Heroes (which premiered last night on NBC) looks to be intelligently-written and fairly creative. And how can you go wrong when it's about superpowers? (Well, I guess a ton of movie writers, directors, and producers can answer that, but this seems to be the exception.) And you've got to appreciate the subtle nod to comic books in the premier episode (X-Men to be exact).
The characters lives are woven together in some rather inventive ways, and I'm looking forward to see how this show will play out.
If you missed it, check it out; there's an encore tonight at 8/7 Central, and it looks like the Sci Fi Channel will be showing the same episodes each week, but on Fridays.
I have a feeling I'm really going to dig this show. I'm hoping for an equally entertaining replacement for my beloved Surface.
Surface was one of those shows I had to drop because I was already watching enough stuff. Too bad, as I've heard a lot of good things about it.
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